Corsock Weather Station     55 04' N 3 56' W 114 metres amsl

Latest metar: 201750Z AUTO 35005KT 9999 BKN022 14/11 Q1026

The metar is decoded below

Date + time1750Z on day 20 of monthAll observations are in Zulu UTC
WindWind direction: 350 degrees at 5 ktWind given is 10 minute mean
AUTOAUTOIndicates METAR generated automatically; CB and TCU not reported.
Visibilitymore than 10 kmVisibility less than 5,000m - mist, less than 1,000m - fog
Cloudbroken clouds at 2200 ftFEW 1-2 ocktas, SCT 2-4 ocktas, BKN 5-7 ocktas, OVC 8 ocktas
Temp/Dewpt14/11Prefix M denotes minus value, values rounded to nearest C degree
QNH1026 hPaSea level pressure corrected to ISA

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