Corsock Weather Station - Report for January 2025

Highest wind gust63 kt24
Highest barometric pressure1036.4 hPa12
Lowest barometric pressure 964.7 hPa24
Highest maximum temperature 11.0 C14
Lowest maximum temperature -0.4 C8
Lowest minimum temperature-10.6 C9
Highest minimum temperature 6.3 C17
Lowest grass minimum temperature-14.3 C9
Highest daily rainfall28.0 mm26
Highest daily sunshine 7.1 hr29

Mean daily maximum temperature 5.5 C-0.7 C
Mean daily minimum temperature-1.2 C-1.5 C
Month mean temperature 2.0 C-1.3 C

Rainfall for month 99.4 mm 62.3
Sunshine for month 64.8 hr147.9
Air frosts15
Ground frosts21
Rain days (0.2 mm or more)19
Wet days (1.0 mm or more)14
Sunless days13

Highest mean temperature 6.1 C2007
Lowest mean temperature -0.1 C2010
Highest rainfall312.4 mm2014
Lowest rainfall 23.0 mm1997
Highest sunshine 75.5 hr2010
Lowest sunshine 12.4 hr1996

Graphical representations of temperature (max, min and grass minimum)
and rainfall and sunshine are shown overleaf/below
Scaling of Y axis is automatic
Month dates are scaled on the X axis

Averages are calculated with reference to 1991-2020 dataset. This page is updated on the second day of the following month