Corsock Weather Station    55 04' N 3 56' W 114 metres amsl

Wind, barometer, visibility and cloud
Wind320° at 21 kt gusting to 35 kt
Barometer1009.6 hPa, rising quickly
Visibilitymore than 35 km
Cloud7/8 at 14,700 ft
Temperature, humidity and dewpoint
Temperature 5.2 °C
Maximum temperature 5.9 °C
Minimum temperature 3.9 °C
Grass minimum [reset 1200 UTC] 3.8 °C
Relative humidity 77%
Dewpoint 1.4 °C
Precipitation and sunshine
Rainfall since terminal hour 0.1 mm
Rainfall since 1650 UTC 0.0 mm
Rain time since terminal hour1.6 hr
Sunshine today0.2 hr
Weather: fair, high cloud
Saturday 7th December 2024 17:07 UTC
Observations at 17:06 UTC
Sunrise 08:24 UTC Sunset 15:50 UTC
Terminal hour 0900 UTC - monitoring since May 1992. Data ©.
For pilots flying in the area, aeronautical met information (METARs) for Corsock are available here.

AWS System: OK

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Data refreshed every minute. DS v3.74[I]
December so far
[Data is provisional pending verification]
Highest maximum temperature: 12.1°C on 1st
Lowest maximum temperature: 5.0°C on 3rd
Lowest minimum temperature: -2.6°C on 3rd
Highest minimum temperature: 11.7°C on 1st
Lowest grass minimum temperature: -6.8°C on 3rd
Maximum daily rainfall: 31.2 mm on 4th
Maximum daily sunshine: 0.3 hr on 5th
Month rainfall: 79.6 mm in 38.7 hr - sunshine: 0.7 hr
Year so far
Rainfall: 1,484.4 mm - Sunshine: 1,071.5 hr
Rainfall and sunshine data updated every hour; temperature data updated at the terminal hour. Month reset for temperature and rainfall completed at the terminal hour on the 1st of the following month.
The metcam is available only during daylight hours
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