Corsock Weather Station     55 04' N 3 56' W 114 metres amsl

Station metadata updated March 2025
Main met logger Vaisala QML201C datalogger installed in weather proof box with 12v DC UPS. The processor assembles a number of customised reports and these are fed by ethernet link to web server running on Linux OS. The datalogger has an integral barometric unit to measure air pressure to 0.1 hPa.
Secondary met logger Vaisala QML201C datalogger installed in weather proof box with 12v DC UPS. This processor is installed near the Stevenson screen and collects with initial processing temperature, humidity and rainfall data forwarding this on to the main logger.
Air temperature and humidity Vaisala HUMiCAP Platinum resistance thermometer and humidity probe HMP155 exposed in the Stevenson screen. This has an electrical heater which is activated in high humidity conditions to prevent condensation on the humidity sensor. Data is transmitted to the secondary datalogger for initial processing and thence to main logger.
Secondary air temperature and humidity An older model screened Vaisala combined temperate and humidity sensor is exposed near the vegetable garden and provides a secondary data source if required. Being slightly more sheltered than the Stevenson screen, the diurnal range of this thermometer is usually less.
Grass and 30 cm temperatures Vaisala Platinum resistance thermometers appropriately exposed. Data transmitted to the secondary logger and and thence to the primary logger.
Wind Vaisala WINDCAP Ultrasonic WMT700 sensor at top of 14m mast transmitting data via RS485 protocol to the primary logger.
RainfallThe primary gauge is a Casella tipping bucket gauge modified by the observer with the addition of heating elements to melt snowfall and hail with a 0.1mm resolution. A secondary unheated Lambrecht tipping bucket gauge with a 0.1mm resolution acts as a backup. A traditional Snowden 5" raingauge read daily provides a cross check on rainfall recorded by the tipping bucket gauges. Data is collected by the Stevenson screen logger and transmitted back to the primary logger.
SunshineKipp & Zonen CSD1 sunshine duration meter situated just below the wind sensor and transmitting data directly to the primary logger.
Visibility/weather sensorA Vaisala PWD52 unit transmits data by RS485 protocol directly to the primary logger. Visibility is measured from 100m to 35 km, and significant present weather, including precipitation type, determined. An estimate of snowfall is also available.
CeilometerVaisala CL31 unit transmitting data by RS485 protocol directly to the main processor. An algorithm determines sky condition from cloud layer measurements every 2 seconds. Cloud above 25,000 ft is not detected.
Linux serverThis takes the reports sent from the Vaisala QML201C logger and runs a number of scripts to generate the various reports for display internally and on the website, generates files for external transmission for third party use and updates the sql databases on which all data is stored.
CAVOK reportingAppropriate practice is now only to report CAVOK when an observer is present to verify this. Otherwise visibility and cloud will be reported. An appropriate switch in the software has now been incorporated to take account of this.
TCU/CB reportingTCU and CB are only reported in manual METAR mode.
Local areaCorsock AWS is sited about 1 mile to the north east of Corsock village in the upper Urr Valley in SW Scotland where this merges from a narrow river valley into moorland. Its co-ordinates are latitude 55 04' north, longitude 03 56' west and the site is at an elevation of 110 metres amsl (about 4 m above river valley level).
DataData is submitted to the Climatological Observers Link (COL) and published in their monthly bulletin. Real time observations are also submitted to the United Kingdom (UKWN) Weather Network for display on their mesomap and to Mesomaps for other areas are also available. Datasets are available for academic or commercial purposes on application to