Corsock Weather Station    55 04' N 3 56' W 114 metres amsl

Wind, barometer, visibility and cloud
Wind240° at 6 kt
Barometer1024.6 hPa, rising slowly
Visibilitymore than 35 km
Cloud3/8 at 4,900 ft
Temperature, humidity and dewpoint
Temperature 13.9 °C
Maximum temperature 14.5 °C
Minimum temperature 7.8 °C
Grass minimum [reset 1200 UTC] 16.8 °C
Relative humidity 56%
Dewpoint 5.3 °C
Precipitation and sunshine
Rainfall since terminal hour 0.0 mm
Rainfall since 1350 UTC 0.0 mm
Rain time since terminal hour0.0 hr
Sunshine today5.6 hr
Weather: partly cloudy
Tuesday 22nd October 2024 13:57 UTC
Observations at 13:56 UTC
Sunrise 06:58 UTC Sunset 17:01 UTC
Terminal hour 0900 UTC - monitoring since May 1992. Data ©.
For pilots flying in the area, aeronautical met information (METARs) for Corsock are available here.

AWS System: OK

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Data refreshed every minute. DS v3.73[I]
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